Home Lockdown Learning Term 3 from 11.01.2021

Please go to ‘Google Classroom’ for all of the information, links and worksheets to daily learning.

Children have been on Google classroom during computing lesson time and have their personal login. If you need this resending, please email the class email 4fc@westrise-jun.e-sussex.sch.uk

There will be daily Math and English work provided that needs to be submitted/turned in by the end of the day. Please ensure that reading and practising spellings via the Sir Linkalot website happens daily also.

Foundation subjects such as Topic, Science, Religious Education, P.S.H.E will be posted weekly. Each will be marked with ‘Turn in/submit’ if required. There will also be exercise and health and well-being activities to take part in.

We look forward to seeing your work and will be available each day for technical support and for feedback about your learning via the class email or via Google Classroom.

Try your best and good luck.

Mr Cruise

Home lockdown learning Term 3 Week 1

Please go to Google classroom for all of the information, links and worksheets to daily learning.

There will be daily Math and English work provided. We also hope that children will be reading and practising their spellings daily.

Foundation subjects such as Topic, Science, Religious Education, P.S.H.E will be weekly.

Children have been on Google classroom during computing lesson time and have their personal login. If you need this resending, please email the class email 4fc@westrise-jun.e-sussex.sch.uk

All work is to be ‘turned in’/submitted on Goggle classroom when complete.

The work set on Google classroom is:

Mathematics– See Google classroom for the White Rose Home Learning teaching slides and activities for each day which accompany the video. We are on year 4 week 1 number, multiplication and division.

Topic- We are learning about the Vikings – Lindesfarne. See the slides and activity on Google Classroom.

English This week we will be looking at apostrophes in class. We will be focusing on different apostrophes. See Google classroom for the tastks and links to the video clips to help.

There’s also extra Optional English on Pobble 365, see Google classroom for the link.

Spellings Use Sir Linkalot to practice the Orange Orwell set of spellings: If you are unable to access the Sir Linkalot app for any reason, the spellings are: address, bottle , little, breakfast, change, city, clothes, could, should, would, enough, found, ground, round, genuine, gym, height, weight, instead, length, naughty, orange, positive, negative, question, sign, woman, women

Look out for new foundation subject tasks starting next week.

We look forward to seeing your work and will be available each day for technical support and for feedback about your learning.

Try your best and good luck.

Love Mr Cruise

Homework Term 3

In year 4 we have created a Take Away Homework Menu. This template has homework on for the whole term which you can download below.

We would like children to select one item per week that they would like to complete and submit this via Google Classroom by uploading a picture or creating a Google Doc (if My Maths is completed nothing will be needed to upload to Google Classroom).

We hope this encourages you to complete optional homework. Remember that reading, times tables and spellings are to be completed weekly.

NEW: From now on Homework will be set and collected on a Monday.

Week 7 Home Learning

There is no home set over the Christmas Holidays. Please enjoy time with your family and stay safe.

If you would like to continue reading and practicing your times tables on Times Table Rock Star that will be brilliant. You could also revisit any previous MyMaths and try to improve your score.

We look forward to seeing you back in school on Tuesday 5th January.

We also have swimming every Friday for next term!

Week 6 Home Learning

Week 6 Home Learning

(Set: 10/12 Due: 15/12)


Remember to read at least 3 times at home.  Don’t forget to complete one of the tasks in your Reading Journey too when you finish a book.


This week we have been consolidating our learning about rounding. A task has been set on MyMaths for you, make sure you look at the lesson on MyMaths before you begin.

Times Tables

We are now learning the 9 times table. Have a go at the times tables that have been set for you on Times Table Rock Stars.


Hopefully you have managed to download the Sir Linkalot App. This is the new spelling scheme we have been using in class and have found that the response has been very positive! If you are having trouble using the APP please contact your class teacher.

 This week we are working through the first half of ‘Weird Wordsworth’ on Level 2.  The Spellings are:

eight (number), island (landmass), listen, often, loose (wobbly), lose (lost), sentence, solider, special, surface, together, weird

If you are unable to get on the APP, practise the spellings using this spelling menu:

Week 6 Self isolating 7/12/20

Children who are self-isolating


White Rose Home Learning – Using the teaching slides and activities for each day – https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-4/week-1/

Please complete week 1 Place Value

In school we are revisiting rounding, an area that we need to consolidate. Have a look back at week one to solidify your learning.


Look at Google Classroom to learn all about Sutton Hoo J.


In English this week we are looking at instruction texts. An instruction text is explaining how you make something. Can you create an instruction text based on something you can make at home? For example, making a jam sandwich or making a hot chocolate.

Ensure you add in bossy words for your reader (imperative verbs) and time fronted adverbials. Here are some examples.

Imperative verbs:                         Time Fronted Adverbials:

  • Flip                                       -Afterwards
  • Mix                                       -Immediately
  • Add                                      – Before long
  • Close                                    -After a while
  • Chop                                    -Next

You can complete this in your homework book or visit Google Classroom where a document has been created for you to create your instruction text.

Pobble 365 – have a look at this story starter. Can you answer the questions?


Spellings – use Sir Linkalot to practice the Weird Wordsworth set of spellings:

If you are unable to access the app for any reason, the spellings are:  August, beautiful, because, believe, bruise, celebrate, certain, chocolate, colour, different, eight (number), island (landmass), listen, often, loose (wobbly), lose (lost), sentence, solider, special, surface, together, weird

Week 5 Home Learning

(Set: 03/12 Due: 08/12)

Reading – remember to read at least 3 times at home.  Don’t forget to complete one of the tasks in your Reading Journey too when you finish a book.

MyMaths – this week we have been learning about multiplication and division facts. A task has been set on MyMaths for you, make sure you look at the lesson on MyMaths before you begin.

Times Tables – we are still learning the 6 times table. Have a go at the times tables that have been set for you on Times Table Rock Stars.

Spellings – hopefully you have managed to download the Sir Linkalot App. This is the new spelling scheme we have been using in class and have found that the response has been very positive! If you are having trouble using the APP please contact your class teacher.  

This week we are working through the first half of ‘Weird Wordsworth’ on Level 2.  The Spellings are: August, beautiful, because, believe, bruise, celebrate, certain, chocolate, colour, different,

If you are unable to get on the APP, practise the spellings using this spelling menu:

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is spellings.png

Google Classroom – Do you fancy having a go at using Google Classroom this week?  We have been finding out about famous inventors in English and creating an information page all about them.  We have set a blank Google Doc for you to create another information page all about something you love!  It could be about your favourite football team, your pet dog or maybe your favourite sport.  Whatever you decide, make sure you include a title, subheadings, pictures and paragraphs.  You could even add some ‘fun facts’ or ‘did you knows’.

Remember, once you have finished, you close the tab you are working on and then click on ‘TURN IN’ and this will send it to your teacher. We look forward to finding out all about what you love.

Children who are self-isolating, Week 5

Children who are self-isolating


White Rose Home Learning – Using the teaching slides and activities for each day – https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-4/

Please complete week 11 multiplication and division


Look at Google Classrooms J.


Now we have a better understanding of what an information text is, the next task is to create your very own version of an inventor of your choice!

You can complete this in your homework book or visit Google Classroom where a document has been created for you to create your information text.

Remember to include:

  • Heading
  • Subheadings
  • Pictures
  • Diagrams
  • Labels and captions
  • Paragraphs
  • Present tense

Here are some inventor suggestions:

  • Thomas Edison
  • Orville & Wilbur Wright
  • Guglielmo Marconi
  • Richard Trevithick/George Stephenson.

Pobble 365 – have a look at this story starter. Can you answer the questions?


Spellings – use Sir Linkalot to practice the Weird Wordsworth set of spellings:

If you are unable to access the app for any reason, the spellings are:  August, beautiful, because, believe, bruise, celebrate, certain, chocolate, colour, different, eight (number), island (landmass), listen, often, loose (wobbly), lose (lost), sentence, solider, special, surface, together, weird

Week 4 Home Learning (26/11/20)


This week we have been learning about multiply and dividing. Have a look at the BBC Bitesize video as a recap, this will help you with this week’s MyMaths task.


Times Tables

We are now learning the 6 times table. Have a go at the times tables that have been set for you on Times Table Rock Stars.


Hopefully you have managed to download the Sir Linkalot App. This is the new spelling scheme we have been using in class and have found that the response has been very positive! If you are having trouble using the APP please contact your class teacher.

 Here are this week’s spellings:







a lot (many)





If you are unable to get on the APP, practice the spellings using this spelling menu:

Children who are self-isolating Week 4


White Rose Home Learning – Using the teaching slides and activities for each day – https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-4/

Please complete week 10 multiplication and division


See Google Classroom for lesson named: Term 2 Week 3 – Was it really dark in the Dark Ages.


This week in English we are focusing on information texts. An information text is a piece of non-fiction writing which gives information about a particular thing (for example: Cleopatra, Ancient Egypt, recycling or volcanoes). Our information texts are going to be about inventions.

Research inventions that have been created by children. What have you found? Can you gather as much information as possible to create you very own information text next week.

Pobble 365 – have  a look at this story starter. Can you answer the questions?


Spellings – use Sir Linkalot to practice the ‘Patient Potter set of spellings:

If you are unable to access the app for any reason, the spellings are:

a lot (many), answer, author, argument, biscuit, country, daughters, interest, machine, marvellous, natural, patient, science, straight, surprise, system, theatre, their, there, through (a tunnel), vegetable